Additional tips: Make sure you charge the collar/receiver every 3-4 months. Check the transmitter to make sure it has power. If the boundary wire is cut the transmitter will beep.
Proper fit of the receiver collar is important. A receiver collar worn for too long or made too tight on your pet's neck may cause skin damage, ranging from redness to pressure ulcers. This condition is commonly known as bed sores.
These steps will help keep your pet secure and comfortable. Millions of pets are comfortable while they wear stainless steel contact points. Some pets are sensitive to contact pressure. You may find after some time that your pet is very tolerant of the receiver collar. If so, you may relax some of these precautions. It is important to continue daily checks of the contact area. If redness or sores are found, discontinue use until the skin has fully healed.
Important: The proper fit and placement of you receiver collar is important for effective training, The contact points must have direct contact with your pet's skin on the underside of his neck.
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